Ivens, A.B.F., Gadau, A., Kiers, E.T., Kronauer. D.J.C. 2018. Can social partnerships influence the microbiome? Insights from ant farmers and their trophobiont mutualists. Molecular Ecology. 00:1–17. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F.*, von Beeren, C.*, Blüthgen, N, Kronauer D.J.C. 2016. Studying the complex communities of ants and their symbionts using ecological network analysis. Annual Review of Entomology, 61, 353–371. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F. 2015 Cooperation and conflict in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) farming mutualisms – a review. Myrmecological News, 21, 19-36. DOWNLOAD
Werner, G.D.A., Strassmann, J.E., Ivens, A.B.F., Engelmoer, D., Verbruggen, E., Queller, D., Noë, R., Hammerstein, P., Johnson, N.C., Kiers, E.T. 2014 Evolution of microbial markers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 1237–1244. Cover story DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F., The evolutionary ecology of mutualism. PhD thesis. 2012, University of Groningen. ISBN 978-90-367-5828-4. DOWNLOAD PHD THESIS
Ivens, A.B.F., van de Sanden, M., Bakker, J. 2012 MLGsim 2.0: updated software for detecting clones from microsatellite data using a simulation approach. In: Ivens, A.B.F. 2012 PhD thesis DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE
Ivens, A.B.F., Kronauer, D.J.C., Pen, I., Weissing, F.J., Boomsma, J.J. 2012b Dispersal and reproduction in an ant-associated root aphid community. Molecular Ecology, 21, 4257-4269. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F., Kronauer D.J.C., Pen I, Weissing F.J., Boomsma J.J. 2012a Ants farm subterranean aphids mostly in single clone groups – an example of prudent husbandry for carbohydrates and proteins? BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 106. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F., Kronauer, D.J.C., Boomsma, J.J. 2011 Characterisation and cross-amplification of polymorphic microsatellite loci in ant-associated root-aphids. Conservation Genetics Resources, 3, 73-77. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F., Nash, D.R., Poulsen, M., Boomsma, J.J. 2009b Caste-specific symbiont policing by workers of Acromyrmex fungus-growing ants. Behavioral Ecology, 20, 378-384. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F., Shuker, D.M., Beukeboom, L.W., Pen, I. 2009a Host acceptance and sex allocation of Nasonia wasps in response to conspecifics and heterospecifics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 276, 3663-3669. DOWNLOAD

Academic Publications
Science writing for a general audience
Ivens, A.B.F. (2021) Book review: The wonderful wisdom of ants by Philip Bunting. Myrmecological News
Ivens, A.B.F. (2021) Boekrecensie: De wereldse wijsheid van de mier door Philip Bunting. Entomologische Berichten 81 (1): 38 39 DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F. (2020) Boekrecensie: De wereldse wijsheid van de mier door Philip Bunting. Forum Formicidarum 21 (3): 25-26 DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F. (2020) In negen stappen naar je doel. Boekbespreking: “Schrijven met impact” door Ann de Ron. SciCommNL
Ivens, A.B.F. (2018) A whole lot of zombies: parasitic manipulation in ants. Myrmecological News Blog
Ivens, A.B.F. (2018) Ondergrondse veehouderij door mieren: een model voor samenwerking in de natuur. Forum Formicidarum 19 (1):11-15.DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F. (2016) Trouble at the farm: a new case of thief ants stealing the gardens of fungus-growing ants. Insectes Sociaux Science Blog
Ivens, A.B.F. & van Duin, S. (2016) Kan een mier van kolonie veranderen? Quest
Ivens, A.B.F. (2015) Stronger Together! http://www.soilecology.eu/ant
Ivens, A.B.F. (2015) Answer to ESEB Friday Question: What are the problems faced today in defining species and new taxa? For example, are wolves and dogs the same species or not?
De Groot, H. and Ivens, A.B.F. (2015) Fluorescerend konijn. In: Onze tijd ~ Welke kunst raakt je? Ed.: Schippers, T. and Klaassen, D. BUY IT HERE
Ivens, A.B.F. (2014) Unravelling a mutualistic ant-homopteran-microbe network. Barcode Bulletin, 5(3), 14-15 DOWNLOAD
de Landgraaf, L., Ivens, A.B.F., Westhoek, A. (2012) Kweek je eigen wortelen met fosfor uit afval. NRC Handelsblad. DOWNLOAD
Ivens, A.B.F. (2012) Mieren kweken bladluisklonen in ondergrondse kamertjes. NatureToday.com
Ivens, A.B.F. (2011) Ondergrondse veehouderij op Schiermonnikoog. NatureToday.com